Monday, April 12, 2010

Monday, April 12th 2010

Critical Presentation

Joel R:
Dan Graham-
As a graphic design major, I was mostly impressed by the design of his slides. I'm assuming Joel did this? Very well done and professional. Video was weird and made me feel as if I was in the audience I would probably feel uncomfortable.

For FINAL, create:
1) Data DVD
2) DVD Studio Pro

DVD Studio Pro Notes
Working in DVD Studio Pro

NTSD Video
Create an SD DVD
Click "Ok"

Create a new folder on desktop with all final projects
(on data dvd put both, on playable dvd put the whole thing)

Import whole folder into bottom left of dvd studio pro


Add button
Uncheck "motion" on right hand side menu

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Response to Chapter 14

I have read this text book multiple times for multiple classes, and each time I read it, I learn something different that I didn't know before. I know I obviously read those certain parts before, but I guess the difference is what I'm learning at the time. Since I am learning about time based media and focusing primarily on that for this course, I guess I'm not surprised that the part that stuck out to me the most was the section from scene to screen play. That was mostly about time based works, but I also found it interesting that even the parts that weren't about time based works I associated with film and video.
For instance, a group is a collection of images that are related by subject, matter, composition, or source. This could be related to film and sequence structure as well. Different movie clips or frames could be grouped due to similar subject, matter, composition, or source as well.