Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Response to the Stockhausen Reading

I found the reading slightly confusing just because there were a lot of terms that I had never used before but basically what I took from this article were that there are three groups of moments that characterize a piece of work: M-moments, K- moments, and D-duration (moments based on measured durations). I listen to music all the time but it was interesting to see it all broken down to facts.
Overall I understood the article to say that "the degree of change is a quality that can be composed." There can be many variations of change and these form the moments in a piece.

"An emphasis on randomness within limits"
Limits: time, pitch, duration, etc.
But still be able to create limits within them.
He is structured within his lack of structure.

His ingredients aren't notes, he uses moments that he creates using precise doses. He calls it moment forming saying the more he gets into moment forming he realizes that he needs less material.

I DID find it interesting that although there were some things I didn't understand, one thing I commented on was about how the degree of change could be composed and this is something that we discussed in class. I thought it was great that I managed to pull that sentence out of the reading when that was one of the key points.

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